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Industry Icons: Christopher Schardt

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Christopher Schardt is an LED artist from Oakland, California, best known for his large, immersive works such as Mariposa, Paraluna and Firmament. His pieces have appeared at Burning Man, Love Burn, Electric Daisy Carnival, the Smithsonian Institution, the Oakland Museum of California and the 2020 World’s Fair in Dubai. Schardt works on his own art pieces as well as commissions.

Interview Katie Kasperson

What initially inspired you to create LED installations?

I got a degree in electrical engineering and computer science in 1985 – a long time ago – and I was, and still am, a happy computer programmer. I love doing it. I was also a professional musician; I had a band and thought I was going to be a big recording artist in the nineties. That ended at the turn of the century when I realised that wasn’t going to happen. Mostly because the music industry is not about how you sound, it’s about how you look. And I was a middle-aged white guy, right?

In 1998, I started going to Burning Man and, boom, a whole new world opened for me. Not because I love the desert per se, but because I love a venue that gives you permission to pursue your craziest artistic ideas. That’s exactly what Burning Man is, from an artist’s point of view. It’s this incredible canvas and there are tens of thousands of people who will come along and see your art. I made a very primitive LED piece in 2000, an art car in 2002 and an electroluminescent wire piece in 2003. I took some years off to build a workshop in Oakland, then got back to doing pieces in 2010. I was doing fire art – propane-driven, kinetic art that spins around, propelled by the thrust of propane fuel. All through this I’m doing all the programming for each art piece.

In 2013, I decided it was too much work to continue doing fire art because you have to follow all kinds of safety protocols and have lots of staff. If there’s one thing that gets tiresome at Burning Man, it’s art that has to be staffed. It’s so much nicer if you can just put the art out there and let it run itself. So I took another year off. Then in 2015, I made a large piece called Firmament, a 52ft-diameter canopy of 21,600 LED modules. That changed everything because it was far and away my most successful piece. It ran itself all night, it didn’t have to be staffed and it made these patterns choreographed to classical music.

I had stumbled across an absolutely fabulous formula, which was to provide light art with a narrative. That narrative changes everything. There’s plenty of light art; there’s always been light art at Burning Man. But people look at it and say, “Oh yeah, that’s nice, what’s next?” Then they walk off.

Firmament was incredibly impactful at Burning Man. It got all kinds of cute nicknames: the hippie trap, the tripper trap, the acid blanket. My favourite was simply ‘Permanent’, as in, “We can’t get our friends to go.” That really struck me. It was also a pivotal time in my life because that winter I got an email from an event company in San Francisco that said something like, “How would you feel about bringing Firmament to this corporate event in Hawaii?” So I said, “Sure, if you’re paying.” That was the beginning of my professional art career.

I had no expectation or intention when I did Firmament that it would end up being my career-launcher. I thought it was just another way to lose between five and ten thousand dollars, which is what I’d been doing with all my pieces.

What are your favourite projects you’ve worked on? Were any specific pieces particularly ambitious?

I did Firmament for two more years at Burning Man, and then I decided to create Paraluna, which is a spinning disc. It’s a similar concept; you are in an environment with LED patterns moving along to classical music, except instead of a static thing that’s 52ft across, it’s a spinning disc 28ft across. That was even more successful than Firmament.

After the pandemic, I brought Firmament and Paraluna back one more time, then in 2023 the theme was Animalia. I normally don’t care at all about the theme, but I was like, “OK, I could do a butterfly. Sure. Why not?” It was quite technically challenging because it was all pretty heavy and I had to make my own custom tower. A friend of mine gave me the idea of having a swing moving backwards and forwards to make the wings flap. That ended up being huge because it did something I thought wasn’t possible, which was to make an immersive piece – big enough to encompass lots of people – that was also interactive. Mariposa struck this fantastic combination where most of the show, music and lights run in a pre-recorded, pre-programmed manner.

There’s one interactive component: the flapping of the wings. You can just give people the tiniest little thing that’s interactive and they’ll love it.

What compelled you to create your own software, LED Lab?

In 2013, I’d come home from Burning Man having done fire art yet again, and was totally tired of it. A friend of mine had created an LED controller called Pixel Pusher. You can write your own software and send UDP packets to it, you can plug LED devices into it and it will display on those devices. I had the idea for a piece called Tangle, a 30in-diameter ball of LEDs arranged randomly. It’s transparent; you can see through it. I did maps from 16 different angles, making a complete circle, then animated between those views. It was a pretty cool piece.

I was, and still am, an iPhone and iPad programmer, and this piece I did on an iPad. And why not? The iPad is a damn cool platform. It has tremendous computing power, it’s got a camera, can detect movement, it’s got good audio. When I was done making the custom iPad app for Tangle, I looked at it and said, “If I generalise this a little bit, I think people would like it.”

That app became what is now known as LED Lab. I ended up putting it on the App Store in early 2014 and it’s continued selling ever since. Do I make a lot of money on it? Absolutely not. It’s a hobby and what money I get is nice, but it’s mainly a token.

What’s really cool is that I’ve put a powerful tool in the hands of thousands of LED artists around the world. It just keeps growing. I’ve been working on it for ten years and I keep adding more features. I’m really proud of it. That’s a huge part of my technical ‘stack’, as we call it. It is, as far as I know, the only client app on iPad and I think it’s the easiest client app to get rolling with. Most LED artists don’t use it and that’s fine with me, but I still think that, particularly as a beginner, it’s hard to get any easier than LED Lab and I’m very proud.

Your work requires extensive knowledge of art and technology. What are some of the challenges that get overlooked regarding this?

For my own pieces, I go from LED Lab via the Pixel Pusher protocol to the controller I run on a Raspberry Pi. I drive SK9822 chips and also use 5v LEDs.

Typical LEDs – almost every other LED out there – take one byte for red, one for green, one for blue. That’s 24-bit colour resolution, which is all fine and good if you’re running them near full brightness. But what happens if your client says, “This is too bright. Can you dim it down and make it half brightness?”

Light is perceived logarithmically, so when you reduce to half brightness, you go down to about an eighth of the power. So what happens at 1/8 power when you have eight bits for red, green and blue? You’re dividing by eight and your colour quality has gone to crap. You can see it immediately.

Each of the SK9822 chips have – in addition to those three bytes for red, green and blue – a five-bit field called global brightness. The chip multiplies each component by this global brightness value to scale the output brightness. If the client does want brightness down by half, meaning 1/8 power, a good software will simply scale down that five-bit value. Honestly, I take advantage of this all the time.

Are there any tools out there that make LED art more accessible?

There’s a new piece of technology on the scene that’s changed everything, called WLED. It’s an open-source software package that runs on a tiny microcontroller called ESP32. You can buy an ESP32 on Amazon for about five bucks. That’s incredibly cheap and WLED is free. It’s hard to argue with and a lot of people are gravitating towards it.

At Burning Man, you received positive feedback about Mariposa’s interactivity. In future, would you try to create more interactive displays?

Yes, I did one this year. Are you familiar with the concept of the Tibetan prayer wheel? If you walk into a Tibetan monastery, there are often these giant cylinders that spin on vertical axes. You can spin them with your hand, and engraved on the surface of these cylinders is the ancient poem – peace prayer – Om Mani Padme Hum. Every time the cylinder spins, the prayer is said and everyone is encouraged to spin the cylinder to bring more peace into the universe, a tiny bit at a time.

I made for Burning Man this year a piece I called Mani Padme. It is a 9ft- tall, 5ft-diameter Tibetan prayer wheel consisting of 32 vertical columns of LEDs. When you spin them, you see images on the surface of the cylinder using persistence of vision, just like with Paraluna. A lot of my pieces now use this concept, where I have strips of LEDs moving quickly past the eye, changing colours so fast that the eye doesn’t register the changes. They call it a POV (persistence of vision) piece.

Mani Padme is a cylinder on which, when you spin it, images appear. At the same time, a speaker plays a Tibetan chant. I’m very happy about it. I intend to use this style much more and I’m always thinking about how I could build on this concept in the future.

What else are you doing when you’re not taking your work to Burning Man?

In 2016, I became a professional and had various events calling me up, mostly big raves like Electric Daisy Carnival. It has been a great ride. Now I’m here at the Charlotte International Arts Festival where I’m showcasing three major pieces: Mariposa, Constellation – a 26ft star-shaped panel – and Mind Wash, a 26ft half-dome installation.

I’ve had some crazy gigs – the Tesla Gigafactory Texas, for example. I had a similar situation in 2020, when an event company in Australia asked, “What pieces can you ship to Dubai for the last three months of the World’s Fair?” Right now there’s a lot of interest in Mariposa. I’ll be employing that at a travelling show called the Balloon Museum over in Los Angeles for November, so it’ll be there for four months.

Another thing I’m working on is having a crew knowledgeable enough that, if I get a scheduling conflict, other people can go in my place. It’s still mostly me at the moment – I have to be there. There have been a couple of gigs where I’ve sent other people to handle things, but that’s rare. That’s a growth challenge for me; I need to grow my business so that I have other employees.

I’ve also made lots of little pieces throughout all this – ones that can fit in a living room. I’ve made a good living off renting them out to conferences and weddings. But the bread and butter of my business is renting out the large, immersive pieces. Any of my existing pieces are available for rental and I take commissions as well.

What are your biggest reflections as you look back on your career thus far?

I’m very grateful. I feel I’ve been fantastically lucky to get into LED art at the right time; in other words, I got into it before it got popular. It gave me time to develop all this technology, and now I can just reap the fruits. People turn to me for collaboration, they look at me as someone who knows what he’s doing and I’ve worked hard. That combination of luck and diligence has landed me in a pretty good place.

Find his work on Instagram @christopher.schardt or at

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